OPINION: NCMP Lina Chiam's question in Parliament forced the Govt to reveal that Singapore reserves have been used 55 times since 2002

Question: Ex-President Nathan didn't even know that the Government had dipped into Singapore reserves 55 times since 2002?

The Online Citizen, 16 Jul 2013
Contrary to the above, “President Nathan revealed just before he left the presidency (August, 2011), that the past reserves have been used more than 27 times since 2002, for projects like land reclamation and the Selective En-bloc Redevelopment Scheme (Sers)”. (“President guards Reserves: Really?“, Aug 24, 2011; “How much of the Reserves has been really used?“, Aug 10, 2011)
So now, if not for NCMP Mrs Lina Chiam’s question, no one would have known that the Reserves have been used 55 times, instead of the 27 times disclosed by our former President.
President also don’t know it was 55 times?
Why did our past President reveal that the Reserves has been used 27 times, when it was actually used 55 times?   Full story